Do you remember being afraid of the dentist when you were a kid? Lying down in that  unfamiliar room with a stranger who used scary, metallic tools to poke around your mouth–No wonder most kids still have a fear of going to the dentist! Luckily, we can help. Here are our top 10 tips to help your child overcome their fear of the dentist:don't be afriad of the dentist!
Start brushing early – Make sure your child is brushing their teeth twice a day, and encourage them that with a healthy mouth their dentist visits will be quick and painless! Stress the importance of brushing and praise your child for keeping their teeth and gums healthy and strong.
Bring a stuffed animal or favorite toy – Having something your child can hold onto during a checkup will help them alleviate any stress and keep them comforted throughout a procedure.
Pre-visit – Bring your child into the dentist’s office to show them that it’s not a scary place. Having your child get familiar with the room and even the staff will help them overcome their fears.
Pretend at home – Make a fun recreation of what your child will experience when they actually visit the dentist. Pretend to examine and clean their teeth and maybe even have them pretend to examine yours!
Talk it through – Before heading to your appointment, talk to your child about what they can expect.  Be cautious, however. You don’t want to use words like “hurt,” or “pain.” Keep your phrasing simple and try to avoid any scary details.
Plan something fun – If possible, set up something fun for you and your child to do when they’re done with their visit. This will help them keep their mind off of the visit and look forward to what happens when they’re done.
Bring help – If you think you or your child is too anxious for their visit, consider bringing your partner or maybe a friend or relative to help with stress from either you or your child.
Don’t use bribes – According to Parents it’s especially important not to bribe your child to go to the dentist, as it sends a negative message. By saying “if you go to the dentist without crying I’ll give you a toy!” your child might think “what is so bad about the dentist that would make me cry?”
Forget about your experiences – When talking to your child about going to the dentist, try to forget any negative experience you may have had in the past. Technology in the dental field has improved drastically over the years, and your experiences from  the past might not be relatable to current dentist procedures.
Do your research – Finding the “perfect” dentist takes some time and research. Every parent has different preferences when it comes to a good dentist, so it’s important to talk to potential dentists and make sure they’re a right fit for you and your child.