Fresh market fruits and vegetablesOver the past few years, people have started to think more about where the food on their dining table comes from, and have pushed for shopping and eating as locally as possible.  Some studies suggest that locally grown and organic foods have more nutrients than traditionally grown foods, and buying local not only supports your local economy, but is better for the environment in the long run.  If you want to eat the best food for teeth and eat as locally as possible, there are several ways to accomplish both of these goals.

What you’re really looking for as far as tooth-healthy foods are calcium- and phosphorus-rich foods, like milk, cheese, chicken or other meats, and nuts.  Your teeth go through a continual process of demineralizing and remineralizing.  These minerals are literally the building blocks of your teeth.
On top of these, you’ll want to eat firm and crunchy fruits, such as apples and pears.  They have high water content, which counteracts the sugars they contain.  Also, the act of chewing on these crunchy goodies stimulates saliva flow, which cleanses the mouth of food particles.
In addition to calcium, to keep your mouth healthy, you’re also looking for antioxidants, like vitamin C and other nutrients from fruits and veggies.  They help protect gums from cell damage and infection.  Folic acid also supports cell growth throughout your body, and it’s found in your leafy greens.

There are several dairy farms local to Arizona, and many of their products are available in local grocery stores all across the valley. That covers the milk and cheese.   You can also buy locally produced fruits and vegetables at one of several Phoenix area farmer’s markets.  There’s one in just about every city and township in the valley.  Another good way to get your share of locally grown goodies is to join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program that delivers them every week to a pickup location that’s close to you.

A quick internet search will tell you where to find your closest farmer’s market and CSA program, and be sure to visit your dentist twice a year to address your specific oral health needs.